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Essential Bibliography

I. Senesi, Remo Bianco pittore all’Esagono [Remo Bianco painter at Esagono], in “Il Cittadino”, Milan, 7th August, 1948. 
G. Ballo, Premio Nazionale di Disegno. Diomira 1951 [National Drawing Award. Diomira 1951],  Edizioni del Milione, Milan, 1951 (n. 8 - pp. 8 - 21).
C.Cardazzo, Autoritratti di artisti contemporanei [Contemporary artists' self-portraits], catalogue of the 116 th exhibition of Il Naviglio gallery  ( January 5 - 18 1952), 1952.
V. Guidi, Remo Bianco, introduction to the catalogue of the exhibition, Venice, Cavallino Gallery, 21 – 29 October 1952.
C. Cardazzo, Premio Graziano  [Graziano Award ], catalogue of the exhibition, Milan, December 1952.
V. Costantini, Formelle magiche [Magic panels] in “Corriere Lombardo”, Milan, 11 July 1953. 
L. Fontana, introduction to the catalogue of the exhibition, Milan, Gallery Montenapoleone, June – July 1953. 
S. Quasimodo, Remo Bianco, introduction to the catalogue of the 168th exhibition  at Il Naviglio Gallery, Milan, 1954.
Italian Artist visits Old Chelsea, in “New York”, New York, 8 June.
S. Quasimodo, C.A. Mutinelli, Remo Bianco, catalogue of the exhibition, Verona, Scala Gallery, January 10-  January 22, Verona, 1957.
G. Marussi, Remo Bianco, introduction to the catalogue of the exhibition, Venice, Il Cavallino Gallery,  20 -  29 July 1959.
S. Quasimodo, Bianco, catalogue of the exhibition, Rimini, Sala delle Colonne, June 5 – 15 1959.
T. Toniato, I “collages” di Remo Bianco [The Remo Bianco’s Collages], in “Evento critica e cronaca delle arti”, Venice , 1959, n° 10, pp. 13 – 22. 
B. Joppolo, introduction to the catalogue of the 331rd  exhibition of Naviglio Gallery, Milan, February 22 - March 3  1961. 
B. Dal Fabbro, A. Pica, A. Jouffroy, Pagode. Ricordi di un viaggio in Oriente [Pagods. Memories from a trip to Orient], catalogue of the exhibition, Venice , Casinó Municipale, August – September 1961.
A. Pica, introduction to the catalogue of the 504 th exhibition, Gallery Il Cavallino, Venice, August 8 -  21  1961.
B. Dal Fabbro, introduction to the catalogue of the 348th  exhibition,  Gallery Il Naviglio, Milan, December 20- 31 1961. 
B. Joppolo, Remo Bianco, catalogue of the  348th exhibition, Gallery Il Naviglio, Milan, 1961. 
U. Apollonio, introduction to the catalogue of the 535th exhibition Gallery Il Cavallino, Venice, August 14 -  24 1962. 
R. Carrieri, Le dorate scacchiere di Remo Bianco [The golden Chessboard of Remo Bianco] in “Epoca”, Milan, 14 october 1962. 
A. Jouffroy, Bianco, Edizioni del Cavallino, Venice, 1962. 
Bianco, catalogue of the exhibition, Losanna, Gallery Kasper, March 26– February 23 1963. 
B. Joppolo, Bianco, introduction to the catalogue of the exhibition, Paris, Gallery Raymond Cazenave, 1963. 
G. Marussi, , Bianco, introduction to the catalogue of the exhibition, Trento, Gallery L’Argentario, March 16 - 31 1963.
Yota, Le ricerche di Remo Bianco [Remo Bianco’s researches], in “D’Ars”, Milan, 1963, n. 4, pp. 35- 38. 
Yota, Remo Bianco, La genesi dell’impronta [The genesis of the Imprints], in D’Ars, Milan, 1963, n. 5, pp. 38 – 42.
R. Cardazzo (a cura di), Remo Bianco, catalogue of the exhibition, Venice, Gallery Il Cavallino, August, Venice, 1964. 
Yota, Remo Bianco, in “D’Ars”, Milan,  1964, n.2, pp. 83 – 85. 
Yota, Remo Bianco, in “D’Ars”, Milan, 1964, n. 5, pp. 78 – 79. 
G. Marussi, T. Toniato, A. Pica, Impronte  [Imprints], introduction to the catalogue of the exhibition, Locarno, Gallery Flaviana, February 27– March 12 1965. 
U. Maccabruni, Remo Bianco, catalogue of the exhibition, Mantua, Circolo della Rovere,  November 10 – 25, Mantua, 1965.
G. Dorfles, Remo Bianco, introduction to the catalogue of the exhibition, Rome, Gallery La Medusa, December 1965.
U. Apollonio, Bianco, introduction to the catalogue of the exhibition, Brescia, Gallery Zen, November  5 – 24  1966.
L. Sinisgalli, Remo Bianco, introduction to the catalogue of the 496th  exhibition, Gallery del Naviglio, Milan, 1968.
C. Derkert, Remo Bianco: Kemik Konst, introduction to the catalogue of the exhibition, Stockholm, Moderna Museet, January 1969. 
A.Altamira, Biografia ragionata per l’opera di Remo Bianco [A raisonné biography for Remo Bianco’s work] in Idee per una scala [Ideas for a staircase],  Edizioni del Naviglio, Milan, 1972.
Remo Bianco, catalogue of the exhibition, Rome, Centro d’Arte Settimiano, April 18 – May 2 1972. 
Sadico - mistico – elementare [Sadist – mystic – elementary], publication issued for the performance of the same title,  Milan, Teatro Angelicum, 16 December 1972.
A. Altamira, I “Quadri Parlanti” di Remo Bianco [The Remo Bianco’s Talking pictures], introduction to the catalogue of the exhibition, Milan, Gallery Bon à Tirer, June 1974. 
G. Dorfles, introduction to the exhibition Bianco, Paris, Gallery Raymond Cazenave 1974. 
P. Restany, Remo Bianco. Tableaux Parlants [Remo Bianco. Talking pictures], introduction to the catalogue of the exhibition, Paris, Gallery Lara Vincy, March 11 – April 11 1976. 
M.N. Varga, L. Inga Pin, Remo Bianco, introduction to catalogue of the exhibition, Ferrara, Sala d’Arte Benvenuto Tisi, Palazzo dei Diamanti, Ferrara, 17 September– 15 October 1978.
A. Altamira, Grève à outrance [All-out strike], introduction to the catalogue Gallery Lara Vincy, Paris 1979.
A.Altamira, Arte Elementare, esempio di sacrificio alla creatività di Remo Bianco [Elementary Art. An example of sacrifice of Remo Bianco’s creativity] introduction to the catalogue of the 714th exhibition of the Gallery del Naviglio, Milan.
M.N. Varga, Remo Bianco, catalogue of the exhibition, Milan, Gallery Lusarte, January 29  – February 24 1979. 
M. Tobey (dictated letter to Tobey's secretary Marc Ritter), Remo Bianco, introduction to the  catalogue of  the exhibition with the Gallery del Naviglioat “FIAC ’82”, 1982. 
M.N. Varga, L’Arte dell’impronta di Remo Bianco [The Imprint art of Remo Bianco], in “La Vernice”, n. 217, Venice, January - February 1983, pp.10-13.
G. Belli – A. Marchionne, introduction to the catalogue of the exhibition, Trento, Albere Musuem, 1983. 
P. Restany, Saint – Rémy du Blanc, alias Remo Bianco, introduction to the catalogue of the exhibition, Paris, Gallery Lara Vincy 1984.
L. Facchinelli, Quei dolcissimi quadratini, quasi un’ossessione [The so sweet small squares, nearly an obsession] in “La Nuova Venezia”, Venice, 4 August 1985, p. 11. 
Remo Bianco, catalogue of the exhibition, Gallery Il Cavallino, Venice, July– August, Venice, 1985. 
G. Belli, A. Marchionne, Remo Bianco, Puntolinea, Milan, 1987. 
A. Franceschetti (a cura di), Tableaux Dorés, catalogue of the exhibition, Trento, Gallery l’Argentario, June 1988.
G. Cardazzo, M.N. Varga, P. Restany, Remo Bianco. Mostra Antologica [Remo Bianco. Anthological Exhibition], catalogue of the exhibition, Milan, Arengario di Palazzo Reale, 1991.
S. Dangelo, L. Pratesi, introduction to the catalogue of the exhibition, Turin, Gallery Cristiani, Torino, 1991.
P. Restany, Remo Bianco. L’immaginazione al potere [Remo Bianco. Power to the imagination] Edizioni del Naviglio, Milan, 1991.
M. Milani, Remo Bianco. Sculture [Remo Bianco. Sculptures], introduction to the catalogue of the exhibition, Gallery Zunino, Milan, October 8 –November 27 1992.
Remo Bianco, catalogue of the 946th  exhibition of the Gallery Il Naviglio, Milan, June 3 - July 3, 1992. 
R. Sanesi, Lavorare coi ritagli [Working with scraps], in “Corriere della Sera”, Milan, 5 July 1992.
A. Franceschetti, Remo Bianco, Milan 1992.
E. Pontiggia, Remo Bianco, catalogue of the exhibition,   Milan, Museo della Permanente,  December 14 1992 –January 24 1993. 
G. Dorfles, D. Collovini, D. Marangon, Remo Bianco, catalogue of the exhibition, Milan, Arte Studio,  October 5  – November 4, Milan, 1995. 
A. Altamira, C. Franza, Remo Bianco, catalogue of the exhibition, Gallarate (Va), Civica Gallery d’Arte Moderna, February 25 – March 23 1996. 
G. Dorfles, D. Collovini, D. Marangon, Remo Bianco, catalogue of the exhibition, Livorno, Gallery Peccolo, Livorno, January – February 1996.
F. de Santi ( a cura di), Il tempo culturale di Remo Bianco. Opere degli anni cinquanta – sessanta [Remo Bianco’s cultural period. Works of the 1950s and of the 1960s] catalogue of the exhibition, Rodengo Saiano (BS), "Olivetana" Abbey , Centro Internazionale U. Mastroianni del Castello di Ladislao d’Arpino, October 4 –November 1, 1998. 
E. Pontiggia, Remo Bianco. La Raccolta Gianni [The Gianni Collection], Electa, Milan, 1999. 
E. Pontiggia, The Gianni Collection, Electa, Milan 1999 (English version of Pontiggia, La Raccolta Gianni, Electa, Milan, 1999). 
L. Caramel, I Bianco di Bianco. Dentro, fuori e oltre la pittura [The Bianco's  Biancos. Inside, outside and beyond the painting], catalogue of the exhibition, Milan, Gallery Il Naviglio, Gallery San Carlo, 28 September 2000, Edition promoted by the Archivio Storico e fotografico dell’Associazione Remo Bianco, Brescia, 2000. 
A.Altamira, Remo Bianco. Catalogo Generale, Vol. I [Catalogue of the works. Vol.I], Edizioni Gabriele Mazzotta, Milan, 2001.
L. Giudici, F. de Santi, introduction to the catalogue of the exhibition, Genazzano (RM), Crypt of   “Madre del Buon Consiglio” Sanctuary, September 3 – October 3, 2002.  
M.G. Monte, F. Pellicci et al. Remo Bianco e l’Arte Elementare [Remo Bianco and the Elementary art], Che c’è di nuovo in galleria?  [What’s new in the Museum?], catalogue of the exhibition, Rome, National Gallery of Modern Art, July 22 2003 – February 22 2004, Edizioni SACS, Rome, 2003.
P. Biscottini, L. Giudici, Remo Bianco, Libri Scheiwiller, Milan, 2005. 
L. Giudici, Remo Bianco. Catalogo generale Vol. II  [Catalogue of the works. Vol.II], Libri Scheiwiller, Milan, 2006.
C. Strinati, L. Giudici (a cura di), Remo Bianco. Al di là dell’oro [Remo Bianco. Beyond the Gold], catalogue of the exhibition, Rome, Complesso del Vittoriano, Gipsoteca, December 8 2006 –January 15 2007, Silvana Editoriale, Cinesello Balsamo (MI), 2006. 
L. Giudici,  L’Istinto e la ragione. La poetica del frammento e la conquista dello spazio [The instinct and the reason. The poetic of the fragments and the conquest of space],  catalogue of the exhibition, Pontedera, Centro per l’Arte Otello Cirri, November 8 2008 –January  11 2009, Pontedera, 2009. 
L. Giudici, B. Brollo, Remo Bianco. Architetto di sorprese [Remo Bianco. Architect of surprises], catalogue of the exhibition, Acri, Museo di Arte Contemporanea, November 22 2009 –February 152010, Edition of Museum of Contemporary Art of Acri, Acri, 2009.